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The Klafreit coaching

Come as you are.
Only what is allowed to be can change.

Are you stuck? Everything feels overwhelming?

Great! That's alright. We all get stuck sometimes (or oftentimes). You're beautiful. Beautifully confused, blocked, dejected, frustrated, fearful and/or disoriented. In the Klafreit coaching, the first thing you learn is to let go and accept your situation exactly how it is.

Counselling and Inspiration

When working together with Anna, she reminds you of your inner potential. There was a time when you were really good at being yourself: When you were a child. Children are always authentic and healthily narcissistic. Anna's aim is that every person she works with comes back in touch with their inner child. It is about establishing access to your very own essence. The benefit of this is that essence works like a compass guiding us through everyday adversity. The basic assumption of facilitating is that the solution to every problem is already there; in the system itself. Anna doesn't know the solution. But she can show you where to find it.

"Insanity is the only sane reaction to an insane society"

Thomas Szasz



How Anna works in Coachings

Klafreit is equally based on the teachings of Eastern Philosophy, Yoga-Philosophy, gnosis, stoicism and mysticism, as well as on modern knowledge of working with the subconscious from interdisciplinary sciences around psychology and neuroscience.


In coachings, Anna uses techniques that are inspired by the approach of epigenetics. This includes, in particular, methodological approaches from the Theory U bypassing the mind and creating access to unconscious parts of our psyche.


Inner Team Work, Ego-Work, Systemic Constellation Work as well as the Social Presencing Theater play an essential role in the Klafreit method. Techniques from energetic psychology and kinesiological therapy (Psych-K) are particularly employed in individual coachings.

Book your coaching session

Please note that you can only make a request for coaching with Anna through email.

Please write an email to to book a preliminary talk with Anna. We will then asses together which coaching package (8 or 12 sessions) suits you best.


Do you have questions?You can send all your questions to, too.

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